Study shows benefits of yoga for menopausal women

What symptoms come to mind when you think of menopause? Most people are familiar with the hot sweats that set in at this time of life, but this is just one of countless side effects caused by this hormonal shift. Another common frustration among menopausal women is insomnia, but a recent study has shown that they may find relief from a relaxing exercise already shown to promote brain health.

According to ScienceDaily, researchers from the Group Health Research Institute in Seattle have discovered that taking part in a 12-week yoga course and continuing to practice this meditative activity while at home was linked to a more restful night's sleep among females battling menopausal insomnia.

"Many women suffer from insomnia during menopause, and it's good to know that yoga may help them," said lead investigator Dr. Katherine Newton. She noted that this could be promising for the growing number of women who are looking for natural alternatives to hormone therapy for relief. However, yoga was not shown to help address hot flashes – a symptom that as many as 80 percent of menopausal women in America experience, the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) estimates.

Menopause is a natural part of life, but there are ways to keep its symptoms from completely taking over. The UMMC notes that engaging in regular exercise and paying close attention to your nutritional intake may help. It is particularly important at this stage to ensure you are consuming enough calcium and vitamin D. Click here to read more information about our Women's Specialty supplements.

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