How this crunchy snack may protect your heart

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly 715,000 Americans suffer from a heart attack every year. In a bid to counter this risk, organizations like the American Heart Association (AHA) have strived to educate the public about the lifestyle choices they can make each day to improve their overall health. Regular exercise and a balanced diet that is low in sodium and saturated fat are two means of promoting a strong heart. In addition, scientists have found that certain foods in particular may directly address this risk.

In fact, a recent study published by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition has revealed one simple snack that could potentially do just that. Researchers from the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center in Connecticut discovered that overweight individuals who were at risk for heart disease and diabetes benefited from eating 56 grams of walnuts daily over the course of two months. The oily nuts were reportedly linked to improved endothelial function, which refers to the layer of cells that lines the blood vessels.

One of the biggest challenges to promoting heart health is that many people at the thought of changing their daily routines completely. That’s why small steps like incorporating more of one specific food could be particularly appealing and effective.

“Our theory is that if a highly nutritious, satiating food like walnuts is added to the diet, there are dual benefits: the benefits of that nutrient rich addition and removal of the less nutritious foods,” said lead author Dr. David Katz in a press release.

Seeking out the right nutrients can influence everything from brain health to long-term joint support. Stay tuned for more information about dietary choices and your health.

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