Tips for keeping your memory sharp

With mental conditions like Alzheimer's disease and dementia on the rise, Americans are becoming vigilant about the signs of memory loss and general decline in brain health. The best ways to stay ahead of these future problems is to try and nip them in the bud now, adopting practices and routines that will help keep your mind sharp for years to come.

Check out some of these memory support tips from Health Magazine to incorporate into your daily routine:

  • Floss every night: As every dentist has likely told you by now, flossing daily is key to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. What they probably haven't told you, though, is that flossing is also good for the brain! When you don't floss, the gums become inflamed, letting bad bacteria into your bloodstream. That bacteria can then go on to inflame different parts of the body, including the brain, which leads to cognitive problems.
  • Give your eyes a workout: The next time you park your car in a lot, take a look at where your vehicle is sitting. Then, while standing in place, dart your eyes from side-to-side every half-second for 30 seconds. It may look a little strange to any bystanders in the area, but this is actually a great exercise for your eyes and could improve your long-term memory by 10 percent.
  • Have a drink or two: There's no shortage of research linking heavy alcohol consumption with memory loss. However, not only is drinking in moderation better for your health, it can actually boost your memory. According to a new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, people who have no more than seven alcoholic drinks per week were found to be at the least amount of risk for cognitive decline.

Be sure to check back with this blog for more tips on providing nutrition for the brain.

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