Study shows omega-3​ fatty acids may counter hypertension

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects one in three adult Americans. This medical issue has been linked to increased risk of heart disease and stroke, but thankfully certain lifestyle choices may help mitigate its effects. Exercising regularly and consuming a balanced diet that is not too high in sodium or saturated fats can help prevent and manage hypertension, but researchers are still investigating new forms of intervention to keep this health concern in check.

Recently, the American Journal of Hypertension published a study on omega-3 fatty acids and high blood pressure. Omega-3 fatty acids are widely known as brain health boosters, though their potential benefits also extend to mood and physical mobility. As we noted recently, omega-3 consumption during pregnancy has also been shown to reduce the risk of preterm birth. Now, researchers from Exponent, Inc., an engineering and scientific consulting firm, sought to determine how omega-3 supplementation was comparable to other methods of hypertension management.

"Only 47 percent of those with hypertension are adequately controlled," the study abstract states. "Prior research shows that diet and lifestyle modifications, including physical activity, sodium reduction,and fish oil supplementation, can reduce blood pressure (BP), enhance antihypertensive drug efficacy and decrease cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk."

The researchers reviewed a series of clinical trials and discovered that omega-3 supplementation could improve blood pressure measurements and "ultimately reduce the incidences of chronic diseases" that may stem from hypertension. In fact, the researchers observed that DHA and EPA may be as beneficial if not more so than increased exercised and restricted salt and alcohol consumption. 

Of course, this isn't license to substitute heal​thy lifestyle changes with omega-3 fatty acids! If you suffer from hypertension, consult a physician before altering your diet or lifestyle in any substant​ial way. Click to here to read information about our omega-3 supplements.

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