Study reveals further benefits of omega-3 for child brain health

Previously on this blog, we covered a study on the potential benefits of prenatal omega-3 for the brain health of children. Scientists from New York University discovered a correlation between consuming more omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy or as a newborn and an increase in a child's IQ score later in life. Now, new research from the University of Kansas has provided further evidence of this connection.

According to a press release, scientists have found that infants who are given formula that has been enriched with the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) within their first year may exhibit improved cognitive function as toddlers. The source states that 81 infants were involved in the study. Measures of brain health included the ability to distinguish between patterns and learn new rules, as determined by a series of standardized tests.

"These results support the contention that studies of nutrition and cognition should include more comprehensive and sensitive assessments that are administered multiple times through early childhood," study leader and psychology professor John Colombo said of the results.

Omega-3 fatty acids have long been associated with brain nutrition, and are responsible for the "brain food" moniker attributed to fish. Since vitamins and minerals play an essential part in a child's healthy development, researchers have devoted considerable efforts to analyzing the impact of various nutrients during different stages of life. 

Though these compounds can be derived from seafood and certain produce, many Americans fall short of their daily recommended intake of DHA. Click here to read more information about our DHA supplements.

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