Study: Diet can affect Alzheimer’s risk in “consistent and apparently meaningful ways”

It's undeniable that Alzheimer's disease is one of the greatest medical concerns facing older Americans today – one that is in fact beginning to affect individual as early as their 50s, according to recent studies. This degenerative condition is detrimental to brain health and overall quality of life for those who suffer from it, as the disorder leads to severe memory loss and disorientation among other transformative symptoms.

As such, researchers around the world have been striving to better understand the machinations of Alzheimer's, and medications and natural compounds may be able to treat and even prevent it.

In past posts, we've documented the potential benefits of curcumin supplements extensively in this particular field. Curcumin, the bioactive ingredient in turmeric, has been shown to combat the buildup of amyloid plaque, which is known to play a role in Alzheimer's. Now, researchers from the University of Washington in Seattle have released a report that further underscores the impact of nutritional compounds and general dietary choices on brain health and Alzheimer's risk.

"Overall, these results suggest that the lipidation states of apolipoproteins and amyloid peptides might play a role in [Alzheimer's disease] pathological processes and are influenced by […] diet," the researchers stated in their conclusion, published by ScienceDaily.

Another specialist in the field, Dr. Deborah Blacker of Harvard Medical School, weighed in on the report, stating that "the important lesson from the study is that dietary intervention can change brain amyloid chemistry in largely consistent and apparently meaningful ways."

Providing ample nutrition for the brain can substantially affect long-term health. Click here to read more about Nutrivene Longvida Curcumin Powder.

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