How can seniors improve memory support?

Although memory loss and dwindling brain health are typically linked with getting older, the truth is that the human brain starts to lose its edge as early as our 20s — we just don't really feel the effects of that downward slope until our golden years. But while these changes may be biologically inevitable to a certain degree, there are also plenty of ways that seniors can help themselves and their memories well into old age.

According to WABI-TV 5, a local news affiliate in Maine, the predominant factors associated with declining memory support are physical health and socialization. Conversely, poor physical shape, high levels of stress and general isolation from others can chip away at brain power. To better promote memory strength, seniors will need to make their physical well-being and stress priorities. Here are a few suggestions for how to go about that:

  • Exercise: Naturally this doesn't mean hitting the gym every day to lift weights, but regular aerobic activities can help fight against risks for dementia, stroke, diabetes and hypertension.
  • Eating healthy: Nutritious eating habits — particularly diets that emphasize vegetable oil, fish oil and other unsaturated fats — can steer away from weakened cognitive functions.
  • Identify anxiety and depression: These conditions can create problems related to memory and concentration, so it's important to diagnose any potential anxiety or depression so that you can work on treatment as soon as possible. "Often, improvement in mood leads to improvement in memory," writes the source.
  • Independence: Seniors want to feel like independent, self-sufficient people just as any other age group does. Allowing seniors the chance to exercise their independence and not feel reliant on others can go a long way in bolstering mental health.

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