3 common signs of a vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is one of the body's all-important nutrients, affecting everything from bone strength and metabolism to brain health. It's also something that most people just don't get enough of on a daily basis. In fact, about 75 percent of teens and adults in the United States are lacking in adequate amounts of vitamin D, putting them at greater risk for any number of health maladies, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Feeling sluggish, light-headed and generally fatigued are some of the tell-tale signs of a vitamin D deficiency, but they're far from the only ones. Here are three major red flags that could be pointing to an unhealthy vitamin D intake:

  • Feeling drowsy often: A study performed in 2012 found that people with low levels of vitamin D were also prone to more frequent bouts of drowsiness and sleepiness during the daytime.
  • High blood pressure: Vitamin D helps to control your blood pressure, so if you notice yours has started to rise lately, you may not be getting enough of this nutrient.
  • Mood swings: There is no end to the amount of things in our lives that could leave us feeling grouchy or irritable, but a lack of vitamin D is often one of the prime culprits. Vitamin D helps regulate serotonin levels in the brain, and not having enough of this nutrient in your day could often leave you feeling moody.

If you're suffering from a vitamin D deficiency and are looking to turn it around, try including more fish, eggs, cereal and soy products to your diet. Adding D3 vitamin supplements to your daily regimen can also help bring your vitamin D intake up to healthier levels.

Click here for information about Nutrivene's selection of vitamins D3 supplements.

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