Review details possible benefits of curcumin for neuromuscular conditions

Though curcumin – the bioactive ingredient in turmeric – has been long been praised for its medicinal properties in various parts of the world, it seems like Western medicine is only starting to understand the potential scope of its benefits. Previously on this blog, we’ve reviewed how curcumin may provide memory support by countering the formation of a plaque associated with Alzheimer’s disease, but this is only one possible avenue for its clinical application.

Recently, researchers from the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital in the United Kingdom published a review regarding the potential use of natural plant-based polyphenols like curcumin in the treatment of a complex and often devastating family of ailments: neuromuscular disorders. These include multiple sclerosis and spinal muscular atrophy, both of which entail obstructed communication between muscles and the nervous system.

“Although their precise mechanisms of action remain somewhat elusive, polyphenols [like curcumin] could be an attractive approach to therapy for inherited neuromuscular disease, especially since they may be safer to use on young children, compared with some of the other drug candidate,” a study abstract from PubMed states.

In addition to curcumin, the scientists also investigated resveratrol, a compound derived from red grapes that is linked to improved heart health. Though further investigation is necessary to apply either of these polyphenols to clinical care, this review sheds light on yet another potential avenue for curcumin to benefit overall health.

Click here to read more information about Nutrivene Longvida Curcumin.

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