Research reveals benefits of high-quality autism treatments

In early 2013, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that one in 50 children born across the country each year fall somewhere on the autism spectrum. This revelation signified a substantial rise from the one in 88 figure previously cited by the government institution. The dramatic increase has drawn national attention to the complex condition and will likely spur further research into treatment options, including the relationship between nutrition and autism.

Recently, scientists from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill published a study regarding the benefits of different treatment models currently implemented in schools to educate young children with autism.

The researchers analyzed specialized programs including Learning Experiences and Alternative Program for Preschoolers and their Parents (LEAP) and TEACCH alongside teaching methods that were not based on a comprehensive treatment model.

“Each group of children showed significant positive change in autism severity, communication and fine- motor skills,” explained Kara Hume of the Frank Porter Graham (FPG) Child Development Institute in a university press release.

Based on these findings, the researchers determined that, while early intervention has been shown to benefit children with autism, the specific form this process takes may not have as great an impact as previously believed.

“Perhaps it’s not the unique features of the models that most contribute to child gains but the common features of the models that most influence child growth,” said co-author and FPG director  Samuel Odom.

While there is no outright cure for this conditions, there are means that may help manage its symptoms, such as specialized diets for autism.

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