Best and worst foods for digestive health revealed

There are few things that can make you feel more uncomfortable faster than issues with your digestive tract – whatever form they may take. Plus, these health concerns are also a bit embarrassing for most people to discuss openly – even, in many cases, with medical professionals – which only makes matters worse.

So, to avoid these varying degrees of discomfort, it's important to seek out nutrients that promote overall digestive health. In addition to sparing you from a few mortifying conversations, tailoring your diet this way ensures that your body can make the most out of all the vitamins and minerals you ingest.

Most people know that fiber plays a key role in supporting the digestive tract, and, as The Huffington Post points out, many fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of this compound. Bananas, in particular, are a great option because they don't aggravate the stomach, the source states. Meanwhile, green peas also pack a surprising amount of fiber, with 8.8 grams in every single cup, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Probiotics are found in yogurt and are filled with good bacteria that promote a happy, healthy gut. You can even amplify the efforts of these live agents by loading up on the prebiotics that nourish them. These can be found in vegetables like asparagus, as well as raw oats.

Unsurprisingly, most of the meals that impair your digestive system have a negative effect on your overall nutrition as well. Alcohol and caffeine, for example, have both been linked to acid reflux disease.

After adding more of these all-important nutrients to your diet, you may find yourself feeling healthier and happier right along with your digestive system. To further supplement your efforts, click here to read about our digestive support products.

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